Τρίτη, Μαΐου 29, 2007


Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Lost Season 4 will air February 08 until then ...patience ...I can say that I'm officially hooked with this series. I'll probably start with Prison Break to go through summer.

Σάββατο, Μαΐου 26, 2007

Bike Report

From Anoixi to Kryoneri square and into the Parnitha forest towards the old palace.

I was just about to turn back after 8km (thinking the 8Km to reach home) when I meet 2 guys from my neighborhood and folow them into the forest.

In the way back we managed to squeeze our selfs into a BMW Z4 and scratch the pour "truck" with the bikes.

Alex and Tasos thanks for the ride !

Δευτέρα, Μαΐου 14, 2007

Bike report

15 Km to Marathon Dump

20Km around Stamata

And last Sunday 15Km Dionysos to Ag.Stefanos with George and Helen

All photos from my mobile phone so the quality isn't that good but there is NO way I can carry more weight :( .

Inland Empire

It's official ...I can't stand Mr.Lynh films.

I don't see the "second level" of his films and after Inland Empire I'm no more interested in finding it out.