Windows Genuine Validation problems :)
google for , and better use RockXP4.exe the rest is straight forward.
Τρίτη, Ιανουαρίου 23, 2007
Windows Genuine Validtaion
Δευτέρα, Ιανουαρίου 22, 2007
What to do when things go wrong: Solving problems with IBM Rational ClearCase
I'd be happy if only these were the things that can go wrong with CC .....
Δευτέρα, Ιανουαρίου 15, 2007
Double ClearCase license usage
You can find here a vary useful explanation of the server processes used from CC.
The issue that we had in my company setup was with the usage of licenses when the view server and the client used different license servers.
In this case the view_server process will also acquire a license so we had double license usage.
There is no solution to this issue ( or I don't know any) !
Τρίτη, Ιανουαρίου 09, 2007
Removing unneeded ClearCase replicas
Deleting a Replica
This section describes how to remove a replica. You must complete all steps; if you do not, synchronization and mastership problems can occur in other replicas in the family. When you remove a replica, the replicas in its family stop tracking epoch numbers for that replica. Removing a replica does not delete the VOB database. Removing a replica requires two synchronization cycles: one to transfer mastership of all of the replica’s objects to another replica, and one to inform all other replicas that the removed replica is no longer participating in the update process. Because this information can be communicated only through the synchronization process, you cannot remove a replica at its own site, because doing so prevents the replica from creating update packets.
After a replica is removed from a family, it no longer participates in synchronization activities and MultiSite information is not tracked. The replica no longer updates its oplog, and you cannot transfer mastership of any object in that replica.
Note: If a VOB replica is deleted mistakenly and you want to restore it frombackup, see Restoring and Replacing VOB Replicas on page 198. If a VOB replica’s storage directory is lost and there is no backup, see Cleaning Up After Accidental Deletion of a Replica on page 204.
In this scenario, the replica tokyo in the VOB family \tests is being removed.
1 At the site of the replica to be removed, complete all development work in the replica and use lscheckout or the Find Checkouts tool (Windows) to verify that all checkouts are resolved in the replica to be removed:
SHINJUKU> cleartool lscheckout –all \tests
(no output means no checkouts)
2 Transfer mastership of all objects to another replica.
At the site of the decommissioned replica, transfer mastership of all objects it masters to another replica. If the decommissioned replica is not self-mastering, transfer mastership to its master replica. If the replica is self-mastering, you can
choose any replica. In this example, the administrator determines which replica masters tokyo, and
then transfers mastership to the master replica (in this example, sanfran_hub):
SHINJUKU> cleartool describe –fmt "%[master]p\n" replica:tokyo@\tests
SHINJUKU> multitool chmaster –all –long sanfran_hub@\tests
Changed mastership of versioned object base \tests
Changed mastership of all objects
The replica that receives mastership can later transfer mastership to other replicas.
If mastership is not transferred for all objects, you must fix the problem and reenter the chmaster –all –long command. For an example, see Transferring Mastership of All Objects Mastered by a Replica on page 138. If there are problems you
cannot fix, another replica can recover from the error by assuming mastership of the objects.
3 Export and send an update packet from the decommissioned replica.
The decommissioned replica must send its final changes, including checkins and mastership changes, to the replica receiving mastership. The decommissioned replica can broadcast its final changes to all other replicas, but it must update its
master replica (sanfran_hub in this example).
SHINJUKU> multitool syncreplica –export –fship sanfran_hub@\tests
Generating synchronization packet c:\Program
- shipping order file is c:\Program
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet c:\Program
4 Import the update packet at the replica that is (or will become) the master of the
decommissioned replica.
GOLDENGATE% multitool syncreplica –import –receive
Applied sync. packet
to VOB /net/goldengate/vobstg/tests.vbs
5 At the master replica, remove the decommissioned replica.
GOLDENGATE% multitool rmreplica tokyo@/vobs/tests
Deleted replica "tokyo".
6 At the master replica, export and send an update packet to the remaining replicas
in the VOB family.
This update packet notifies the other replicas of the replica removal.
GOLDENGATE% multitool syncreplica –export –fship replica-names
Generating synchronization packet ...
7 At the removed replica, remove the VOB storage directory of the removed replica.
SHINJUKU> cleartool rmvob \\shinjuku\vobs\tests.vbs
Remove versioned object base "\\shinjuku\vobs\tests.vbs"? [no] yes
Removed versioned object base "\\shinjuku\vobs\tests.vbs".
Δευτέρα, Ιανουαρίου 08, 2007
Motorola V360v and other mobiles !

For the last year I use daily a motorola V360 v(odafone).
After a couple of months I removed the vodafone live links following guides from HowardForums
The next move was to flash the phone using a monster pack, but by then the Greek Motorola Modding Community site was up and running and the guys have an excellent reference site with LOT'S of guides, files and friendlily support , the same guys can be found in the best Greek mobile phone forum MyPhone .So I first used on the MS packs from GRMoto but I then flashed the poor litle v360 with a MS from Yuet . The v360 is up to now excellent and I can't really find a mobile with better features.
What I'm looking for is a mobile that :
1) Place/Receive calls !!!
2) SMSing
3) MP3 playback
4) external storage
5) USB support
6) cost less than 200Euro
7) FM Radio
8) more eye caching design
is this possible ??
...probably no ! :(
candidates :
Nokia 5200
Nokia 5300 a bit over the price tag
SE Z550
Which movie you watched last night

Saturday 03/02/2007
Stasky & Hutch (2004)
junk food, junk car , junk movies

Sunday 28/01/2007
Happy Feet (2006)
good laugh , lousy meaning

Friday 26/01/2007
Once upon a time in the west

Wednesday 24/01/2007
Perfume : The story of a Murderer (2006)
I was told that the book was good.
I can tel that I didn't like the movie

Sunday 21/01/2007
A scanner Darkly (2006)
ok , nothing special

Saturday 20/01/2007
DON'T ASK ....

Wednesday 17/01/2007
Memoirs of a Geisha

Monday 15/1/2007
The Hunt for Red October
Watched it on TV so the quality was poor (so is the movie) BUT I live it.

Thursday 11/1/2007
The Prestige (2006)
Clever, interesting , I liked it a lot.

Blood Work (2002)
Bliax, how many serial killer's there are in US ???

Ice Age : The Meltdown(2006)
Cute , funny, nice for a hard days night.

I Heart Huckabees (2004)
Crazy , surreal, funny. I'd say I like it.